An ultimate guideline about kitchen faucet flow rate

7 min readOct 29, 2022


The faucet flow rate and showers in your house should be measured for several reasons. Whether it’s a tankless or conventional tank-style heater, it might be a crucial consideration for everyone. One of the most important elements of your kitchen is the faucet, which is frequently used in homes.

The faucet is used for drinking water and cooking, washing veggies and dishes, and can even be used to bathe a newborn or a pet. Here, we cover the kitchen faucet flow rate to assist you in evaluating this and making any required modifications.

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It may also be useful information when purchasing or selling a home and assessing the effectiveness of the plumbing fixtures. Here you will find straightforward solutions to your most frequent queries and worries.

We have tried our best to write it very simply and concisely to make our readers understand faster.

Terms to understand before reading:

  • GPM: gallons per minute. It’s a unit in which the water flow rate is measured.
  • PSI: Its Pounds per square inch and the units in which water pressure is measured.
  • Aerator: A simple gadget called an aerator limits the flowing velocity of a faucet or shower head.

How often water does a faucet consume each minute?

The age of the fixture affects the typical faucet flow rate. All kitchen and bathroom faucets are required by law to have a maximum flow rate of 2.2 gallons per minute (GPM) at 60 pounds per square inch (psi); maximum flow rates are further limited to 2.0 GPM in California and Georgia. Perhaps California will eventually be restricted to 1.8 GPM).

Many bathroom faucets operate at 1.5, 1.2, 1.0, or 0.8 GPM without significantly lowering the amount of water pressure that most think of as “water pressure.”

Older faucets may consume more water than modern fixtures, but they can be aerator-equipped to save water.

How to measure the overall water flow?

How to measure the overall water flow?

Gallons per minute is the unit of measurement for water flow in plumbing fittings (GPM). A “flow rate” rating may occasionally be displayed on a showerhead or faucet’s packaging. The Federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 mandates that all bathroom faucets sold in the U.S. have a flow rate of no more than 2.2 GPM at a water pressure of 60 psi, or pounds per square inch, for the aim of conserving water. Showerheads may have a maximum flow rate of 2.5 GPM by the same rule. The water use of each fixture may be below or over the recommended amount depending on whether your home’s water pressure is greater or lower than 60 psi.

How to measure water flow in a faucet:

Fortunately, this process can be done quickly and easily with a few essential tools. Because pouring the water out for measuring is simple, a little pitcher is a perfect container for collecting water from taps. A big bucket works best for a showerhead since it makes collecting all the water from the spray simpler. Most people use their smartphone’s timer function to time events, but you may also use a watch or clock.

Step 1: Gather the Water

Set the time to 10 seconds on your Timing device. Activate the cold water at full force. Set the timer to begin and, making sure that all of the water is gathered, place the container under the water stream or sprays. After precisely 10 seconds of water collection, turn off the fixture.

Step 2: Calculate the Water

Utilizing the measuring cup, count the amount of water in the container. To ensure that you don’t lose track, you might wish to write down the cupfuls on paper. Calculate the volume in gallons. (A gallon contains 4 quarts or 16 cups.) A straightforward fraction may be used to express the measurement. Eight cups, for instance, are equivalent to 8/16 or 1/2 gallon.

Step 3: Decide on the GPM Flow Rate.

To get the flow rate in gallons per minute, multiply the amount of water measured by 6. (GPM). In our example, 10 seconds were needed to collect 1/2 gallon. Three gallons are equivalent to that quantity multiplied by six (to determine one minute). The flow rate is thus 3 GPM.

What is considered a low flow faucet rate:

Traditional kitchen and bathroom faucets cannot utilize more than 2.2 GPM. WaterSense-certified faucets must use no more than 1.5 GPM, a 32% reduction in flow rate from the federal norm.

How many GPM is considered a high facet flow rate:

Faucets typically have a flow rate of between 1.0 gallons per minute and 2.2 GPM. The US’s highest flow rate for kitchen and bathroom faucets is 2.2 GPM at 60 psi.

The maximum flow rates are further constrained in locations where environmental regulations are more stringent. Georgia, for instance, has dropped to 2.0 GPM, while California is at 1.8 GPM.

What is the commercial kitchen faucet flow rate:

Although 2.2GPM may be the maximum, many people won’t require such a high flow rate, so if you can lower the flow rate of your kitchen faucet, you may cut your water usage and save some money. So, what qualifies as normal?

A flow rate of 1.5GPM would not provide you with noticeably less water than a faucet generating the maximum flow rate of 2.2GPM for typical everyday use, such as washing your hands, doing the dishes, or pouring drinking water.

You can drastically lower your water expenditures if you don’t need more than this flow rate, which many people find adequate.

What Affects The Flow Rate Of The Kitchen Faucet?

Several things can have an impact on the flow rate. Since the federal limit is 2.2GPM, most contemporary faucets are equipped with an aerator that restricts the flow to that amount while adding air to the water stream to lessen splashing.

The diameter of your pipes has an impact on the flow rate as well. Wider pipes enable more water to flow through, increasing the flow rate.

If mineral deposits have accumulated within your faucet, that might be one factor causing a decrease in water flow. This frequently results in the aerator becoming partially clogged, reducing the quantity of water that can travel through, and is a regular problem.

How to increase faucet flow rate:

How to increase faucet flow rate:


There are various things you may attempt to make things better if you have tested your flow rate and believe it is too low.

You can think about changing the aerator with one that allows more water to pass if it is significantly reducing the flow. An aerator intended to limit water flow may drastically lower the water flow if you reside in a region with low water pressure.

However, you should first ensure the existing aerator is not obstructed before rushing out to get a new one. It may be loaded with mineral deposits if you take it out of the faucet and look inside. In locations with hard water, this problem is particularly prevalent.

The minerals on the aerator screen can be removed by boiling the object in vinegar for 30 minutes as a cleaning method.

Alternatively, you might try to clear the obstruction by inserting a pin into each of the aerator’s holes, allowing the water to flow freely.

If that doesn’t work, you should also look for plumbing system leaks since if you lose water in this way, your kitchen faucet’s water flow will also be reduced.

What Can I Do To Lower The Flow Rate?

Install a new aerator that limits the flow if your water flow is too high and you want to lower it to save money.

If you measure your water flow and discover it is too high, this is an excellent option, particularly if you don’t require as much water when you open your faucet.


  • What is the maximum flow rate of showers?

Showerheads can run at a maximum of 2.5 GPM. Replace the showerhead if the flow rate is any higher than what was observed. The new unit will rapidly pay for itself with water savings and, more importantly, decreased water heating expenses. About 70% of the shower flow is hot water for the average user.

  • What is the maximum flow rate of kitchen faucets?

The maximum flow rate for kitchen faucets is approximately 2.2 GPM. It would make sense to reduce this to 1.5 GPM by utilizing a low-flow aerator, but the trade-off is that it will take longer to fill pots of water. However, lowering your kitchen faucet’s flow rate can make sense to save water if you frequently rinse many dishes with the water running full blast.

  • How to remove clogged aerators?

Occasionally, the aerator may get blocked, particularly on a kitchen faucet or in an area with hard water. Depending on where it is located, you might need to detach the aerator from the faucet head or remove the sprayer head. A filthy or clogged aerator is frequently the cause of inadequate water flow; all it takes to correct it is a quick rinse with water or vinegar.

Bottom lines:

Measuring your flow rate is smart since it will help determine if you need to raise or reduce it. Restricting the flow rate can help you save money on water bills by conserving water, which is also healthier for the environment if you discover that the flow rate in your kitchen faucet is too high for your needs. Reduced flow rates conserve water and minimize water costs by using less fuel to heat the water.

This Article is originally publishe on My Kitchen Faucet




Written by Mykitchenfaucets


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